Tennis for Swingers*
Tired of the same partner? Here’s your chance to play with three or four different partners in one event!!!
Come out and swing* your racquet from about 10:00am to 2:00pm, on Sunday, May 4, in Saanich Tennis Club’s popular event, “Change Partners”.
This highly social and mildly competitive event features mixed doubles tennis in a format that mixes up the teams, with breaks between sets to enjoy the potluck food that you provide!
Entries will be accepted in the order received, up to a maximum of 16 (ideally 8 women and 8 men). With the exception of your delicious potluck contribution, there is no entry fee required!
To secure your place in this prestigious event, please phone Bill Code at 250-385-6265, and leave a message if he’s not there. You will be contacted to confirm your spot in this event. A waitlist will be maintained in the event of late withdrawals.
Come out and have fun!