July 17, 2016 Special General Meeting

3:00 pm BBQ & social starts
3:30 pm Special General Meeting

We’re asking for the support of our members to come out in numbers to help make the decision relating to the court resurfacing for the future of our club.

STC Special General Meeting Agenda
July 17, 2016 (~3:30pm at STC*)
*May be slightly delayed due to ongoing tournament finals

  1. Welcome
  2. Quorum assessment
  3. Thanks to Jim and the tournament organizing group
  4. Thanks to other volunteers & members
  5. Complaints from neighbours
    1. Parking
    2. Early morning tennis
  6. Strategic planning
  7. Court resurfacing in 2017 (membership vote required)
  8. Updates from the Executive
  9. Ladies’ Thursday morning group (Cathy Nettleton)
  10. Further 2017 planning
  11. Upcoming events
  12. Q&A time
  13. Adjournment
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