Tennis Community Input Requested Strategy open to Pickleball players and non-players |
As you have all experienced, there has been a very high demand on the use of public tennis courts in the Victoria area due to the meteoric rise in the popularity of pickleball. In response, the City of Victoria, the Township of Esquimalt, the District of Oak Bay, and the District of Saanich are developing a Greater Victoria Regional Pickleball Strategy. The project is currently in the engagement phase. They are hosting a virtual meeting with stakeholders on Tuesday July 11th at 10:30 a.m. by invitation only. Topics will include the courts, the booking and drop-in systems, and the impact of courts on communities. I have requested an invitation to represent STC. The survey will be available from June 26 to July 16, 2023. To learn more about the strategy and to participate in the survey go to I am hoping that local governments invest in stand-alone pickleball courts to take the pressure off public tennis courts and/or invest in an online booking system. Tim Ebata President, STC |